Desarrollado por el bootcamp programación Top Position
Desarrollado por el bootcamp programación Top Position

What clients are saying about their experience with Buonjourney Italy

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I returned home from Italy nearly a month ago yet find myself continually drifting back to my experiences there.  A few friends and I travelled to the Emilia-Romagna region to participate in an event and found ourselves with a few free days to explore before returning home.


With limited knowledge as to the region, we turned to our host for a recommendation and were introduced to Ramona and her team at Buonjourney Italy.  Originally communicating through e-mail, Ramona crafted together an itinerary for our approval.  Her attention to detail, concern for our preferences and variety of activities presented immediately convinced us to place ourselves in her capable hands.


It was perhaps the best decision of our trip!   Ramona and her Team greeted us promptly that first morning and we were treated like Kings from that point forward.   The guides were knowledgeable, professional and personable.  Our tour traversed sprawling countryside, medieval villages and historic landmarks along the way.  Interspersed throughout the days were lunches, dinners and wine and cheese tastings that left our bellies full yet yearning for more.

I cannot thank Ramona and our "friends" at Buonjourney Italy enough for helping to make our experiences in Italy so memorable.

Michael R. Florida USA